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These service cuts are an attack on the livelihood of the many working class people, people of color, students, seniors and the disabled who need dependable and affordable public transportation.
 The Coalition for Transit Justice, Muni Fare Strike and Social Strike came together to rally against Muni's latest service cuts, on Thursday, September 22, 2005.
 Disabled transit activist Bruce Wolfe prepares to shred Muni's schedule of service cuts.
For more photos and a short video of the rally, click here.
For the latest on the effect of the service cuts on San Francisco State students, click here.

by Charlie Goodyear Saturday, September 24, 2005 (Excerpts below. Full story.) ______________________________________________
"MTA," she said, referring to Muni's parent organization, the Municipal Transportation Agency. "Misery, Trauma and Anguish." ______________________________________________
Patrons of San Francisco's Municipal Railway, who are already paying 25 cents more a regular ride, now may have to wait longer for a bus when service cuts and route adjustments take effect today...
Activists who have been protesting an increase to $1.50 in the Muni's general fare that began September 1... argue that cutting back on service now is simply adding insult to injury... "You will find that riders are pissed off," said Riva Enteen, who helped organize a protest in the Mission District on Thursday. "They will not pay more for less."
Muni rider Tonie Brock was at the protest to argue against changes to the 52-Excelsior line, which she said would eliminate a bus stop while creating a new one at a dangerous intersection.
"MTA," she said, referring to Muni's parent organization, the Municipal Transportation Agency. "Misery, Trauma and Anguish."
Emma Gerould of the Coalition for Transit Justice said, "We're very unhappy about the service cuts going into effect Saturday. We're here today to say it's not fair for San Franciscans to pay more for less."
Michael Lyon, an activist with the senior group Gray Panthers, said cuts to nighttime Muni service would be especially hard for the elderly who rely on public transit to get around.
"It means that you'll be restricted to staying at home at night," he said...
(Click here to see two letters to the editor in response to this article.)
Muni Fare Strike is a group of Muni riders fighting to stop Muni's fare hikes and service cuts.
Earlier this year, riders, drivers and transit activists, mobilized by the Coalition for Transit Justice, rallied at City Hall to try to stop Muni's fare hike and service cuts,as shown in the above photo. Working class people, students, seniors and the disabled depend on Muni. Together, we can stop the fare hike and service cuts.
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