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Coalition for Transit Justice
Muni Fare Strike
Social Strike

Thursday, September 22, 2005 -- Noon
Mission and 16th Streets
Emma Gerould, Coalition for Transit Justice
Marc Norton, Muni Fare Strike
Patricia Passion, Social Strike
Lydia Basan Women's Collective
Tonie Brock, Muni rider activist
Nora Calderon, POWER
Luis Herrera, St. Peter's Housing Committee
Michael Lyon, Gray Panthers
Richard Marquez, Mission Agenda
Gerardo Mendoza, Cesar Chavez Street
Rene Quiñones, HOMEY
Flor Ramos, La Raza Centro Legal
Xiao-Qiong Tan, Chinese Progressive Association
Bruce Wolfe, Disabled transit advocate

For a short video of the rally,
produced by Bill Carpenter, click here.
The video will take a few moments to load.